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I really like this card. It opens lots of things, while it has flaws. Wrote some line down while doing nothing at work, plz let me know what you think of it, I'd love to argue on all those point !
Let's break it down!
First, it is a 8k 4-drop, which is on curve. Fact is, there is some competition for this slot in Fire, namely Sabin and Firion H. Hopefully, this Firion can get a discount, if you have another Rebel on the field. Rebels are [Leon (ice, if errata?)], Maria (wind but backup currently), Guy (earth) and Joseph (Ice).
Currently, 2 of them are bad. Firion won't probably change everything by himself. We could surely use it alongside Guy in Fire/Earth, or we could make an argument about Leila. What will certainly happen is new rebels, new version of the Rebels. Those cards will make Firion great, or won't change a thing.
Even without a Discount, he sure can be played. Let's face it, maintaining a specific forward on board is not always an easy task. He will then remain (for this analysis) a 4-drop all the time, but we'll get to Rebels later.
The second ability, Haste+1k, is not very relevant at first. Except if opponents floods with Viking, you may not want to go head-on into 3 opponents forward. 1k can still be good at any point in the game. Thing is, you could start your turn and play Firion, attack then proceed to destroy some forwards. It could work.... I guess.
This ability is not very relevant if you stop there. Hitting for 1 then taking a 3-damage backswing could hurt. Hopefully, Fire has lots of options to take the board down, even during oppoent turns : 7-cost Phoenix + Vivi is an exemple.
Finally, we got a last ability, which is all about cycling your backups. And this is neat. Cycling backup that could not be destroyed in any other way is great. If Lulu-H did not cost 5 (and were not called Lulu), we would see tons of her.
There are obvious choices you may want to destroy : Shantotto, Fusoya, Larsa... But there is more. Every ETB abilty could be use multiple time. Seymour, for instance, has a great effect that you could use multiple time. But the main thing is, you could open with whatever backup you got, and then, at some point, change it up while getting rid of backup you don't want for this specific match-up to get more specifics backups.
I haven't spoke about what it allows too : this is a combat trick that helps a lot, called First Strike. Fire has a lots of tool to use First Strike, so Firion could win lots of trade by himself while still defending the next turn. As long as you have backup you'r willing to feed Firion, he will join Zhuyu and Sabin into the list of forwards your opponent won't defend into.
This is an interesting line where Fire is being sent those last sets: you can kill forwards, while making yours unblockable (with Redmage, Ninja or their effects). Those big forwards are there to swing hard. Being brave finally provide some defenses for Fire, thing it did not have before.
About where it can be played:
Mono-Fire : competes with Sabin, Cyan, Zhuyu. Not much fire backup that you want to destroy. Don't like it.
Bi-color with specific backup line to use/destroy : I like that. Lots of backups can currently do the trick, and we'll get a lot more with opus6.
Other rebels: It will depend on what we have. If they are strong on their own, we can slot some of them. Current one are not worth the shot right now. They can depending on what new cards say.
Last thing: I'd play him in a bicolor, kinda agressive. Enforcing bicolor with Fire also helps Phoenix, which is an awesome card as long as you don't have to target fire Forwards.
Bonus sidenote : backup you can destroy easily:
Fire: Black Waltz 2, Irvine, Zack, Sage
Ice: Edward, Cid Gesthal, Hurdy, Jihl Nabaat S, Mog XIII 2
Wind: Echo, Brother
Earth: Sarah (Mobius), Botanist, Minfilia, Masked Woman, Raubahn Shantotto, Jessie
Lightning: Cid of Clan Gully, Louisoix, Esthat Soldier, Seymour, Black Mage, Fusoya, Gramis, Goltanna
Water: Aria (III), Baderon, Larsa, Tombetty, Eiko